As I’ve been writing a lot lately about motorways and dual carriageways I thought I’d write a quick post about cat’s eyes. Cat’s eyes (officially known as reflective road studs) are useful to help you understand the road layout as they are colour coded.
Red: on the left hand side of the carriageway – do not cross except in an emergency.
Amber: on the right hand side of the carriageway – this is next to the central reservation.
White: between lanes.
Green: between the carriageway and slip road exits/entrances and on dual carriageways they also mark the split between the carriageway and lay-bys.
Fluorescent green/yellow: at contraflow systems and roadworks.

These are particularly useful at night and can help you determine how you are joining the dual carriageway/motorway – e.g. if it is a slip road the cat’s eyes will be green, if it is a dedicated lane they will be white.