COVID-19 response
As a responsible driving instructor I take seriously the risks from COVID-19 both to myself (as someone who is at high risk from the virus) and also to my customers (many of whom are also at high risk). Set out below are the steps I will take to reduce the risk from the virus, but there are also things you can do to help keep me and my other customers safe.
What I will do
During lessons​
One window on each side will be open to allow fresh air to flow through the car.
We will spend time outside the car when possible.
If I have symptoms or have been a close contact of someone who has tested positive, I will wear a face covering when inside the car.
I will use a lateral flow test for at least 3 consecutive days if I have symptoms.
If I test positive I will self-isolate until I have two consecutive negative lateral flow tests.
I will inform my customers and use lateral flow tests for 7 days if I am a close contact of anyone who has symptoms or tests positive. Any lessons can be cancelled free of charge during that time.
I will regularly use hand sanitiser and wash my hands with soap and water whenever possible.
I will deep clean the car regularly.
What you can do
If you answer yes to any of the following questions, please contact me ASAP on 07780 470779. A decision will be made about whether any lessons need to be cancelled.
Have you had any cold/flu like symptoms, a cough, a loss or change of taste/smell, fever, headache or fatigue in the last 10 days?
Have you tested positive for COVID-19 since your last driving lesson?
Have you had any cold/flu like symptoms, a cough, a loss or change of taste/smell, fever, headache or fatigue since your last driving lesson?
Have you recently been in close contact with anyone with any cold/flu like symptoms, a cough, a loss or change of taste/smell, fever, headache or fatigue or anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19?
Wearing a face covering whilst inside the car is your personal choice. If you would like me to wear one, please just ask.
When I contact you on the day before your lesson, please let me know if you answer 'yes' to any of the above questions.
Due to my vulnerability and that of some of my customers, I need to take additional precautions. Although the legal requirement to self-isolate has been removed, I still feel there are risks. The government has given us all individual responsibility to manage the risk from COVID-19 and I feel that means we all need to work together to keep each other safe.